Looking for CBAP exam simulation questions? Our bank contains two full exam simulations with explanation of every answer, plus quizzes to support you in your study.
We designed the platform to look as much as possible like the real IIBA exam. This way, you go in the actual exam already comfortable with the look and feel, ready to address the questions, without distractions that may affect your focus.
We also made sure you have a good understanding of why a particular answer is correct, and why another is not. That is why we explain in details each answer.
Although the real exam will contain a number of short questions, we wanted to make sure you are ready for the worst and that is why we focused on longer questions.
See a sample here: https://reqmaster.com/questions-bank-home
A practical workshop on what skills a BA needs to work in an agile environment, and how to apply the best requirements practices with an agile mindset.
Read more Here
Prerequisites: BSA Program
Duration: 15 hours
Start date: TBD
This workshop is a combination of training, consultancy, and individual coaching to help BA team leaders establish or improve the BA practice.
Prerequisites: BSA Program
Duration: 15 hours
Start date: On Demand
A good process is kept alive by continuous monitoring and tuning, through the involvement of observers, executers, and consumers.
In this workshop, you learn how to identify a smart process and a struggling process, the techniques to use to measure a process effectiveness, efficiency, and quality; and to apply continuous improvement.
Duration: 15 hours
Start date: TBD
Self-study self-paced online Course for IIBA BA certifications preparation. See course content here.
Prerequisites: BSA Program
Duration: 45 hours
Start date: On Demand
Online workshop, subset of the Business Systems Analysis program, can be taken alone or with the program. Prerequisite for the Requirements Communication course.
See course content and watch a free sample here
See Details
Online workshop, subset of the Business Systems Analysis program, can be taken alone or with the program. Prerequisite for the Requirements Communication course. Read more. See course content and watch a free sample here